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Azzad 2023 State of the Company Presentation

In this presentation to clients and supporters, you’ll learn how the company and markets fared in 2022–and how things are shaping up for 2023. Specifically, we look at:

  1. Azzad updates last year up through today
  2. What drove market performance in 2022?
  3. Where we are now
  4. Next steps

The material, views and opinions expressed in this presentation are solely those of the presenter and may not be reflective of those held by Azzad Asset Management. The presentation is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation or advice. Azzad Asset Management makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Forecasts are based on assumptions and subject to revisions over time. Financial, economic, political, and regulatory issues may cause the actual results to differ from the expectations expressed in the initial forecast.

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